A New Birther Conspiracy Theory: Trump Tricked Us

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On Wednesday night, the conservative news outlet WorldNetDaily published a story in which prominent birther Jerome Corsi claimed that Donald Trump had told him that President Barack Obama’s recently released birth certificate was a fake. We asked Trump about that, and he told Mother Jones that he had done no such thing. After our story ran Thursday, WND editor Joseph Farah seemed shocked that Trump would try to put distance between himself and Corsi, author of the new book Where’s the Birth Certificate?. In a WND story, Farah casts doubt on the “leftist Mother Jones” story, puzzling why Trump would say, as he told Mother Jones, that he had not even read Corsi’s book. After all, Farah writes, Trump had asked for an advance copy. From WND:

Farah wonders aloud why Trump would ask for a copy of a book he had no intention of reading—even going to the extent of having his organization sign a non-disclosure agreement to get an early electronic copy. “If he wasn’t going to read the book, why go to the trouble of requesting a PDF copy and having your representative sign an NDA [non-disclosure agreement] for it?” asked Farah. “Was his intent all along to violate the NDA and give it to someone else? Was his intent other than what he represented to us—to go to school on the eligibility issue? Trump needs to explain himself to someone other than Mother Jones. That doesn’t sound like good faith to me.”

Farah and Corsi can’t understand why Trump might not want to continue the fight over Obama’s citizenship, so they seem to have cooked up yet another conspiracy theory: someone else put Trump up to it. Trump couldn’t have been persuaded by the long-form birth certificate that Obama released in April, or the mountains of other evidence that prove that the president was born in Hawaii. No, Farah writes, Trump must be in league with nefarious forces trying to undermine the birthers:

I have strongly begun to suspect that Trump had other motives than seeking the truth about Obama. I think he was pumping Corsi for information for some other purpose than being on the right side of history.

In a recent on-air conversation, Corsi and conspiracy theorist/talk show host Alex Jones suggested that Trump was now scheming with the White House—and perhaps had been plotting with the Obama crowd all along. They speculated that Trump had been bought off, pointing out that his retreat from birthersm and his attacks on GOP 2012 contenders suspiciously coincided with NBC’s renewal of his reality show, Celebrity Apprentice. Somehow, the pair said, the government had given money to NBC that ended up with Trump. (They didn’t provide details.). Corsi did note, though, that when he recently told Trump that it looked as if Trump’s political loyalties had been purchased by the other side, the billionaire developer told him that for him, the NBC money was “chump change.”

Trump must be ruing the day he got in bed with these people. He’s gone from being their champion to being their target. Perhaps he’ll be the subject of Corsi’s next book.

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