“Citizenfour,” a documentary about Edward Snowden, was given an R rating by members of the Motion Picture Association of America. Their rationale for doing so was apparently due to the occasional swearing that takes place in the hotel room where Snowden, director Laura Poitras, and journalists Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill conduct their conversation.
For all teenagers who think they can handle a bit of naughty cuss words and are interested in learning more about shocking global surveillance practices carried out by their government, head over to the IFC theater in New York City, where they’re overriding the MPAA’s suggested rating. Their rationale? “Not only do we feel the film is suitable for teens, we feel it is essential viewing for anyone who may vote in the next election.”
Notice posted outside the NYC theater where I just saw @citizenfour. Cc @ioerror. pic.twitter.com/i4hvabjTe3
— Tommy Collison (@tommycollison) December 8, 2014