Photographer Jacob Blickenstaff is covering the #OccupyWallStreet protests in New York City for Mother Jones.
For more coverage of #OccupyWallStreet, explore MoJo‘s updated map of protest hot spots nationwide, see how big labor has jumped in, learn how the protests are like the Wisconsin demonstrations earlier this year, and be sure not to miss the best of #OccupySesameStreet.
A protester offered blessings in Zuccotti Park.
Area workers and tourists near Ground Zero.
Shoppers carried bags a block away from the Occupy Wall Street protests.
Protesters across from Foley Square on the steps of the New York Supreme Court
Protestors begin their march from Foley Square.
Police strictly controlled the route, blocking off most of the street and only allowing marchers a narrow path to move.
Protesters were crowded by restrictive barricades.
Protesters during the Wednesday march en route to Liberty Park
Protesters during the Wednesday march en route to Liberty Park
D.L. Hughley talked with marchers along the route.
Marching along Broadway
Police assembled near the march route.
Laura Wooley of Brooklyn came to Zuccotti park for the first time to participate.
An accordionist (and retired lawyer) played Yiddish music at the request of a Freedom Tower construction worker.
Reading protest signs in Zuccotti Park.
KV, a musician sleeping in the park, stands in front of a defective American flag manufactured in China and bought at Walmart.
A protester sleeps in the early evening in Zuccotti Park.
Jimmy McMillan (The Rent Is Too Damn High Party) argued with protesters.
Protesters listen to a speech in Zuccotti Park.
Organizers and volunteers in the Occupy Wall Street media and communications center
Organizers and volunteers in the Occupy Wall Street media and communications center
Michael Franti sings with the protesters.
NYPD on the corner of Zuccotti Park
Zuccotti Park at night