Denying climate change is de rigueur among members of the House Republican caucus. Rarely, though, do you see elected officials engaging in public debates on the science with a scientific organization. But that was exactly what has transpired as Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) has taken on the Union of Concerned Scientists in a Twitter war over climate change.
Not that it’s particularly surprising. This is a guy who has argued in a congressional hearing that global warming might have been caused by dinosaur farts.
Here’s the full exchange:
.@danarohrabacher calls #climate change “natural.” There are multiple lines of evidence human activity drives it #hcsst
@UCSUSA Guess ancient climate cycles, like current one on Mars,which mirrors changes on earth, not product of sun but of human activity
.@danarohrabacher Human warming=fact warming=myth Sun outputs don’t=warming
@UCSUSA your answer deceptive: talks Mars warming. Issue is Earth and Mars icecaps shrinking at same time. Coincidence or Solar impact?
@danarohrabacher That’s a red herring about the Red Planet Burying your head in the Martian sands puts us all at risk
@UCSUSA U ignore issue: incredible coincidence or solar? Whose head in sand? Read e-mails, U trust your source. Warming has become change
@danarohrabacher You don’t want to understand. Denier talking points aren’t science. covers all this.
@danarohrabacher CA-46 is preparing for climate change. Long Beach sees water supply impact. Denial doesn’t help.
Here’s a quick run down of why his arguments—that global warming is caused by the sun, the climate’s changed before, and that Mars is also warming—are all bunk.