Today’s must-reads are ready for a floor debate on health care reform:
- Scott O’Malia is going to be on the CFTC, even though he tried to weaken it. The Senate doesn’t much care. (MoJo)
- Eight US troops killed in seige of Afghan outpost (WaPo)
- White House signals Aghan exit strategy? (MoJo)
- Socialism victorious! (In Greece) (NYT)
- Iran to allow inspectors into newly revealed nuke plant (Los Angeles Times)
- Kevin Jennings: the far right’s new target (MoJo)
- Felix Salmon: Alan Greenspan has learned nothing (Reuters)
- The status quo wins on health care reform (Ezra Klein)
- Robert Reich: The truth about jobs no one wants to tell you (The American Prospect)
- Why it’s good Chicago lost the Olympics (MoJo)
- The man who came back from a Minnesota suburb to run part of Somalia (NYT)
- Ryan Lizza on Larry Summers and the Obama economic team (The New Yorker)
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