Jim Pinkerton and I were together again for another Bloggingheads.tv diavlog. We mainly agreed on Iran, with Jim sort of concurring with my assessment that John McCain is “bonkers” for pushing Barack Obama to embrace the Iranian opposition. Nothing would hurt the opposition movement’s credibility within Iran–where it counts most–than a big wet-kiss from Washington. We then moved on to health care, with Jim suggesting both Ds and Rs are wrong to preach austerity to the American public when it comes to health care dollars. Perhaps, but I challenged his solution: freeing the health care industry from government regs so it can produce the sort of products and services that can be exported abroad a la McDonald’s. Finally, our big topic: whether the remaking of the cheesy 1984 anti-commie movie Red Dawn–high school kids in Colorado beat back Russian and Chinese invaders–is of any cultural significance. Jim: yes and hooray! Me: no and yawn.