Desperately Seeking Sarah’s Secrets

The state of Alaska has been snowed under with open records requests related to Governor Sarah Palin. Wanna know what the national press is looking for?

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Since Sarah Palin joined John McCain on the Republican ticket in late August, news outlets, as well as nonprofits and private citizens, have besieged her office with public records requests, seeking all sorts of documents related to her tenure as Alaska’s governor. Some have requested access to her calendar and travel records. Others have asked for emails and memoranda concerning the firing of Alaska Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan or a controversial ballot measure that would have placed new restrictions on mining companies, along with a number of other state matters. One news outlet asked for documentation to the “remodeling and/or redecorating of the governor’s offices and/or state-owned mansions in Anchorage” during Palin’s governorship. Mother Jones filed several of its own public records requests (see David Corn’s article for more on that), including one for all of the records requests that were submitted between August 29 and September 23, 2008. Wanna know what dirt the national press is after? Read on for an abridged list and see here [PDF] for all the requests sent to Palin’s office.

Ian Urbina, New York Times
– “A copy of the Public Records database/log kept by your office that includes name of requester, date of request, summary of request made and/or title of request, and the status/determination of the request. We are only seeking the database that corresponds to June, 1,2008 through September 2, 2008.”

Wesley Loy, Anchorage Daily News
– “All communications between Gov. Sarah Palin and U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona. This should include all letters or other written correspondence, as well as e-mail, BlackBerry transmissions or any other form of communications.”

– “All communications between Gov. Sarah Palin and any member of the McCain presidential campaign or vice presidential search committee. This should include all letters or other written correspondence, as well as e-mail, BlackBerry transmissions or any other form of communications.”

– “All communications between any member of the governor’s office or staff and John McCain or any member of the McCain presidential campaign or vice presidential search committee. This should include all letters or other written correspondence, as well as e-mail, BlackBerry transmissions or any other form of communications.”

Kimberly Kindy, Washington Post
– “A copy of Gov. Sarah Palin’s calendar for the time she has been in office as governor.”

– “Copies of all e-mails sent from the governor or members of her administration in which Todd Palin was copied. I am specifically referring to over 1,000 e-mails in which the governor’s office has asserted executive privilege, and Todd Palin was CC’d on the e-mails. Executive privilege cannot be claimed under the law if a private citizen is copied on the correspondence.”

Dina M Cappiello, Associated Press
– “All documents pertaining to Alaska’s ESA [Endangered Species Act] Working Group, including a list of the participants, and all correspondence between Working Group members and staff of local, state and federal entities.”

– “Please be advised that I am prepared to pursue whatever legal remedy necessary to obtain access to the requested records. I would note that violation of the open records law can result in the award of court costs and attorney fees. In addition, state law imposes criminal penalties on those who knowingly suppress or conceal a public record. Alaska Stat. Sec. 11.56.815 and 820(2).

Rita Beamish, Associated Press
– “The Public Records Request Log(s) for the Palin administration, starting with when Gov. Palin came to office. If you separately have compiled statistics on the logs such as total requests, total responses, redacted responses, total fees charged, etc., I request any such statistics also.”

– “A copy of Gov. Sarah Palin’s daily calendar and/or schedule from the day she took office as governor until Sept. 1, 2008. I am seeking a record of her public schedule as well as all events, meetings and activities on her daily calendar that were not public events.”

– “A copy of the Public Records Request Log for the Office of the Governor from Sept. 5, 2008, through today, or through the day that you fulfill this request if that day is later than today.”

– “A copy of any contract or employment agreement relating to the appointment and hiring of Charles Kopp, the former commissioner of Public Safety; copies of communications, e-mails, and/or correspondance [sic] relating to his appointment for that position; and copies of any documents, agreements, severance arrangement or other documents related to his resignation.”

Jillian Starr, “Stay At Home Mom”
– “After hearing Gov. Palin deliver such an amazing speech, I wanted to know more about her. I understand that she has drastically reduced her budgets within the governor’s office, including eliminating a luxury jet and a private chef. As a stay-at-home mom, I wanted to know if any other similar services are provided to her through taxpayer monies, particularly any services that assist her in caring for her family (such as nannies or child care). Also, I want to know a breakdown of the following line items that appear on the Governor’s House

Component Financial Summary for FY 2007, 2008, & 2009:
71000 Personal Services
73000 Services
74000 Commodities”

David Corn, Mother Jones
– “All emails sent and received by Governor Sarah Palin from December 4, 2006, until now. This includes emails written by her, emails sent to her, and emails cc’d to her. I realize there are “deliberative processes” and “executive” privileges that cover communications between the governor and her aides involving policy matters. Under law, these privileges are not absolute and must be balanced by the public interest of disclosure. I hope that any response to this request takes that balancing test into account and that these privileges are not unduly applied.”

– “Copies of all of Governor Sarah Palin’s schedules and calendars from her first day as governor to August 29,2008.”

– “Copies of open records act requests the Office of the Governor has received from August 29, 2008, until today. This does not include material produced in response to those requests. This request covers only the open records act requests themselves.”

Sarah Laskow, Center for Public Integrity
– “Records reflecting the names of any overnight guests who stayed at the Alaska Governor’s Mansion during the administration of Governor Sarah Palin.”

Anne Weismann, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
-“All documents relating to the firing of Alaska Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan. CREW also seeks all documents that refer, relate to or reference in any way Alaska State Trooper Mike Wooten.”

Kay Brown, Alaska Democratic Party
-“The public request log for all State of Alaska Departments and Executive branch offices. This request covers all public requests made between the period 1/1/2007 – 9/9/2008.”

– “All schedules, calendars, itineraries of Governor Sarah Palin between the dates of 1/1/2007 and 9/15/08.”

– “Emails between Sarah Palin and John Coghill with the words “abortion” and/or “AGIA” from 1/1/07 through 9/17/08″

– “Emails between Sarah Palin and Fred Dyson with the words “abortion” and/or “AGIA” from 1/1/07 through 9/17/08.”

– “All emails from Sarah Palin from 1/1/07 to 9/15/08, containing any of the following words:

  1. Babysitter
  2. Childcare
  3. McCain
  4. Obama
  5. Democrat
  6. Huckabee
  7. Wal-mart
  8. Eskimo
  9. Natives
  10. Kuwait
  11. Passport
  12. Ruederich
  13. Kopp”


– “All emails between Sarah Palin and Todd Palin from 1/1/07 through 9/18/08 with any of the following words:

  1. Vote
  2. Veto
  3. Budget
  4. Oil
  5. Monogan
  6. Wooton”


– “All emails between Sarah Palin and Molly McCann between the dates of 1/1/2007 and 9/18/08”

– “Emails from Sarah Palin with the word “Tibbles” from 4/1/08 through 6/30/08.”

Mark Thiessen, Associated Press
– “Public records and correspondence to, from and referencing Todd Palin, including emails, letters, memos and official documents from all state agencies, including the Office of the Governor.”

– “Copies of all records pertaining to state-related travel for Gov. Sarah Palin, Todd Palin, Track Palin, Bristol Palin, Willow Palin, Piper Palin and Trig Palin. I would also like copies of all per diem expense claimed on behalf of all the aforementioned Palins.”

– “All land-line and cell phone records (incoming and outgoing) for phones assigned to Ivy Frye and Frank Bailey from the time period of February 1,2008, to April 15, 2008; all text message records (incoming and outgoing) assigned to Ivy Frye and Frank Bailey from the time period of Feb. I, 1008, to Apri115, 2008; all emails for emails accounts assigned to Ivy Frye and Frank Bailey from the time period of February 1,2008, to April 15, 2008; and, all leave request records pertaining to Ivy Frye and Frank Bailey from the time period of February 1, 2008, to April 15, 2008.”

– “Access to and copies of Gov. Sarah Palin’s scheduling calendar during the entirety of her time in office as Alaska’s governor.”

– “Copies of any requests for ethics determination, notification of receipt of gift, grants/contracts/leases/loans notification, outside employment or services notification or notification of potential violation submitted to the Office of the Governor’s Agency Designated Ethics Supervisors during Gov. Sarah Palin’s administration.”

– “A copy of a letter dated July 24, 2008, from Wevley William Shea to Gov. Sarah Palin, sent to the governor’s Anchorage office with the subject: re: Grave Concern – Public Safety, Legal and Political Counsel.”

– “A copy of a letter dated Aug. 4, 2008, from Wevley William Shea to Gov, Sarah Palin, sent to the governor’s Anchorage office.”

– “Copies of all emails and attachments sent to the Office of the Governor of Alaska from any these e-mail addresses:,,, I also request any emails sent from the Office of the Governor of Alaska to any the same addresses.”

– “Copies of all e-mails, correspondence and other documentation in the possession of the governor’s office that discuss the firing, reassignment and/or performance issues with Department of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan between Dec. 4, 2006, and Aug. 1, 2008.”

– “Copies of all e-mails and attachments sent to and sent by communication staff members and press secretaries for Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin since Aug. 29, 2008.

– “Copies of all records reflecting contracts for purchases or expenditures signed by Gov. Palin or her designee in the governor’s office, or records reflecting contracts for purchases or expenditures on behalf of Gov. Palin’s office.”

– “Copies of all records reflecting expenses, receipts, contracts, purchases and any other activity from the governor’s contingency fund and the executive contingency fund since the election of Gov. Palin.”

– “Copies of all e-mails and attachments sent to and received by all state employees from electronic mail (e-mail) addresses from the domain since Aug. 1, 2008.”

– “Copies of all records associated with a state-issued BlackBerry or any other similar PDA device for Todd Palin.”

– “Copies of all a-mails and attachments sent from or to anyone in state government from this email address:”

Aram Roston, NBC
– “All emails sent to or cc’d to Todd Palin, the governor’s husband, as well as all emails from him to the governor’s official email address.

– “Copies of all travel authorizations or reimbursements for Governor Sarah Palin or members of her family.”

Leslie Wayne, New York Times
– “Copies of the “Actual Travel Authority Documents” for Gov. Sarah Palin for her term in office. The documents that I am requesting are the detailed receipts and back up documents used in the calculations for travel reimubursment [sic] and per diem payments. I understand that these documents are available in a spreadsheet form. This information formed the basis of a Washington Post article on Gov. Palin on Sept. 9, and these are public documents.”

Anne Sutton, Associated Press
– “Public records relating to compensation for travel and other expenses for members of Gov. Palin’s family.”

Sharon Theimer, Associated Press
-“All e-mails, memoranda, phone records, letters or other records reflecting communications among any public officers or employee of the Office of the Governor of Alaska, including Gov. Sarah Palin, and the National Park Service between September 1, 2007, and the present, as well as any NPS replies.”

– “All e-mails, memoranda, phone records, letters, or other records reflecting communications among any public officers or employees of the Office of the Governor of Alaska, including Gov. Sarah Palin, and the U.S. Justice Department, including the U.S. Attorney’s Offices in Alaska, between September 1, 2007, and the present, as well as any Justice Department replies.”

Scott Kendall, Alaskans for Clean Water
– “All documents and records including but not limited to emails, letters, correspondence, memoranda, messages, notes and communications. And records of communications to or from any State agency including, but not limited to, the Department of Natural Resources (“DNR”), the Department of Environmental Conservation, the Department of Law, and the Governor’s Office that in any way relate to the following:


  1. The position of the Department of Natural Resources, the Governor or any other state officer or agency concerning Ballot Measure 4;
  2. The website published by DNR on or about August 19, 2008, originally entitled “Ballot Measure #4, Information for Voters”;
  3. The Governor’s decision to make, and ability to make, statements regarding the merits of ballot initiatives, including, but not limited to, her decision to make statements regarding Ballot Measure 4 on or about August 20, 2008;
  4. The ability of any other state officials to make statements regarding the merits of ballot initiatives;
  5. Any request by any person or entity for photographs, videos, or statements from any current state official for use in advertisements regarding Ballot Measure 4.


Jen Miller, Boston Herald
– “Access to and a copy of any and all documents, email, memoranda, requests, directives, submissions or any other information relating to remodeling and/or redecorating of the governor’s offices and/or state-owned mansions in Anchorage and Juneau by Gov. Sarah Palin from Dec. 4, 2006, to date, including but not limited to receipts, payments, expenses, disbursements, reimbursements and any other relevant documentation for materials, labor, consulting or other expenses incurred. I also request the names and titles of any state of Alaska personnel, employees, contractors, vendors or agents involved in the aforementioned work for the aforementioned time period. I also request any and all documents, email, memoranda, requests, directives, submissions or any other records, communications or information relating to such work by the above-mentioned individuals, including but not limited to receipts, expenses, payments, disbursements, reimbursements and any other relevant documentation for such labor, materials or any other related costs.”

Steve Quinn, Associated Press
– “All e-mails, memoranda, phone records, letters or other records reflecting communications among any public officer or employees of the Office of the Governor of Alaska, including Gov. Sarah Palin, and the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Treasury, U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs since 2006.”

– “Copies of all travel and reimbursement records for Press Secretary Bill McAllister, Deputy Press Secretary Sharon Leighow, and state employee Beth Leschpur since their hiring dates.”

– “Copies of all travel and reimbursement records for Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell since being sworn in.”

– “Copies of all travel and reimbursement records for former Legislative Liaison John Bitney during his tenure with the administration.”

– “Copies of all travel and reimbursement records and e-mails for former Press Secretary Meg Stapleton including her time of employment with the administration and her time as a contractor.”

Steve Braun, Los Angeles Times
– “Copies of all of Gov. Sarah Palin’s daily and weekly calendars and schedules between Dec. 5, 2006 and Sept. 1 2008, and any and all working papers prepared with those calendars and schedules.”

– “Copies of all of Todd Palin’s daily and weekly calendars and schedules between Dec. 5, 2005 and Sept. 1, 2008, and any and all working papers prepared with those calendars and schedules.”

Lisa Demer, Anchorage Daily News
– “All e-mails from or to Gov. Palin on Wednesday, Aug. 27. The e-mails being requested include those from or to any of her e-mail accounts including her Yahoo account as well as any other e-mail accounts that she may be using. My request includes e-mails forwarded to Gov. Palin as well as those that she sent or received directly… If e-mail addresses are deleted as private information, please specify why that is allowed under state law. Also, please state which e-mail service is being used, for example Yahoo or Gmail or whatever it may be.”

– “Information on who in the governor’s office has state-provided cell phones and BlackBerries. Distinguish between cell phone and BlackBerry on the list, please. It’s for a story on issues surrounding the use of private e-mail accounts. Just want to have as complete a picture as possible.”

Jenny Small, Judicial Watch
– “Any and all records concerning or relating to the following:


  1. Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA) records (including correspondence) concerning Alaska’s TransCanada Corp. pipeline and the U.S. federal government serving as a “bridge shipper” (i.e. shipping fees/ tariffs). (Time frame 2007- present.)
  2. Correspondence with VeCOm Corporation and/or CH2M Hill.
  3. Schedules and calendars indicating appointments/meetings with any individual associated with VECO Corporation and/or CH2M Hill.
  4. Correspondence with Senator John McCain and/or any individuals associated with his Presidential campaign.
  5. Schedules and calendars indicating appointments/meetings with any individual associated with Senator JoIm McCain’s Presidential campaign.”


William Yardley, New York Times
– “Can you please consider this email to be a public records request for the travel records and travel expense reports of Sarah and Todd Palin during the governor’s time in office?”

Alan Suderman, Juneau Empire
– “Access to and copies of all e-mails between the governor’s office and Todd Palin beginning when Gov. Sarah Palin took office.”

– “Access to and copies of all job-related reimbursements that have been sought by, and paid to, Gov. Sarah Palin and her family.”

– “Access to and copies of all Freedom of information act requests made of Gov. Sarah Palin’s office.”

– “By what means does the current Governor of Alaska get around the state? Is there a state owned plane available?”

Louise Radnofsky, Wall Street Journal
– “All records of expense claims made by Gov. Palin, including for travel, meals, family members and also for gift travel.”

– “Gov. Palin’s daily schedule, visitors list and calendar, and all records relating to it, since she began her term of office.”

Michael Rey, CBS
– “Access to and copies of all travel and or business expense reports filed by or on behalf of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin from December 2006 to the present.

L. Bauer
– “A copy of Governor Palin’s schedule for the time period of August 14, 2008 to August 29, 2008. Copies of any request for travel and/or expense reimbursement, or, for any charges incurred by Governor Palin for travel and/or expenses for the time period of August 14, 2008 up to, and including August 29,2008. Copies of cell phone or Blackberry expenses incurred by Governor Palin and paid for in-total or in-part by the State of Alaska, for the time period of time of August 14,2008 up to and including August 29, 2008. This request includes any document or electronic record that list the individual calls or messages.

Jacob Alperin-Sheriff, Huffington Post blogger
– “I am investigating the details surrounding the sexual assault funding sought by former Public Safety Chief Monegan given as the proximate cause for his being fired. Could you forward me those papers and e-mails filed that involve the sexual assault funding controversy?”

Elizabeth Bluemink, Anchorage Daily News
– “All state records pertaining to: Communication between the Governor’s Office and any other party (excluding certain constituents; see note) on the topic of the “clean water intiatives” [sic] that occurred between June 2008 and the present. (Some examples of other parties include the mining industry, lobbyists, legislators, the Alaskans Against the Mining Shutdown and the supporters of Ballot Measure 4.); Any communication between the Governors office and any other party (excluding certain constituents; see note) on the topic of the Pebble Mine between June 2008 and the present.”

Jo Becker, New York Times
– “All documents and records, including but not limited to, emails, letters, correspondence, memoranda, messages, notes and communications, and records of communication to or from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Department of Environmental Conservation, the Department of Law and the Governor’s Office that in any way relate to the following:

  1. The position of DNR, the governor or any other state officials or agencies concerning Ballot Measure 4.
  2. The website information published by DNR on Ballot Measure 4.
  3. The governor’s decision to make, or her ability to make, statements regarding the merits of Ballot Measure 4 and/or the ability of any state official to make statements regarding the merits of ballot initatives [sic].
  4. All communications or records of communications between the governor’s office or any state department/agency or official with any member of the group Alaskans Against the Mining Shutdown, the council of Alaska Producers, Pebble Partnership or any other entitity [sic] related to the mining industry regarding Ballot Measure 4 or the Pebble Mine within the last year.
  5. Documents, communications or records of communications relating to Todd Palin’s trips aboard planes owned by mining companies and any documents, communications or records of communications mentioning or referring to Todd Palin and Ballot Measure 4, and/or the Pebble Parntership [sic], and/or the Council of Producers, and/or Alaskans Against the Mining Shutdown and/or the mining industry general, including, but not limited to, any email by the governor or any member of Ms. Palin’s administration that was sent or fowarded [sic] Todd Palin’s email address, which is or was
  6. Communication between the Governor, members of her staff or state officials relating to Ballot Measure 4 and/or the mining industry in general with anyone associated with the McCain campaign in the last six weeks.


This request should be construed to cover not only Ms. Palin’s government emails but also emails sent or forwarded to any and all of the governor’s private email accounts, including but not limited to and”

Jessi Joseph, CNN
– “Access to and copies of any and all communication including e-mails that Governor Palin had regarding the proposed pebble mine project and Ballot Measure Number Four. Please include all communication and correspondence including e-mails from March 1,2008 through September 19, 2008.”

– “Access to and copies of any and all communication including e-mails where Governor Palin mentioned or wrote about Senator John McCain. Please include all communication and correspondence including e-mails from February 1, 2008 through March 30, 2008.”

– “Access to and copies of any and all communication including e-mails between Governor Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd Palin. Please include all communication and correspondence including e-mails from August 1, 2008 through September 19, 2008.”

Charles Piller, Los Angeles Times

  1. “Photo copies of all receipts for travel and related expenses of the governor
  2. Correspondence between her office and BP, Exxon, ConocoPhillips and TransCanada regarding the gas pipeline plan, bidding, and related issues.”


Kathleen Ferguson
– “Access to the more than 1,000 e-mails that Gov. Sarah Palin will not release to the press. They can be placed on a server to be accessed by everyone or emailed directly to me to avoid printing costs. I want to understand why they are not being released. Here in Florida, we operate under the Sunshine Law, and all emails are accessible to the public. All Americans have rights to these emails to judge for themselves where to place their confidence and vote during the upcoming Presidential election.”

Bill Dedman, MSNBC
– “Any e-mails sent from December 4,2006, through September 17, 2008, to an email account for Todd Palin (at the e-mail address or any other any e-mail addresses) from any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Fry, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails received from December 4,2006, through September 17,2008, from an e-mail account for Todd Palin (at the e-mail address fek9wnr@yahoo.comor other any e-mail addresses) by any of the following employees of the Stale of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Fry, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails sent from December 4,2006, through September 17,2008, to any non-governmental e-mail account for Sarah Palin (at the e-mail address, or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails received from December 4, 2006, through September 17,2008, from any non-governmental e-mail account for Sarah Palin (at the e-mail address, or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails sent from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, to any non-governmental e-mail account for Ivy Frye (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska email system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails received from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, from any non-governmental e-mail account for Ivy Frye (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska email system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails sent from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, to any non-governmental e-mail account for Kris Perry (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails received from December 4, 2006, through September 17,2008, from any non-governmental e-mail account for Kris Perry (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails sent from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, to any non-governmental e-mail account for Sean Parnell (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails received from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, from any non-governmental e-mail account for Sean Parnell (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails sent from December 4,2006, through September 17, 2008, to any non-governmental e-mail account for Sharon Leighow (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska email system) by any ofthe following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.

– “Any e-mails received from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, from any non-governmental e-mail account for Sharon Leighow (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside ofthe State of Alaska email system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails sent from December 4, 2006, through September 17,2008, to any non-governmental e-mail account for Roseanne Hughes (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails received from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, from any non-governmental e-mail account for Roseanne Hughes (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails sent from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, to any non-governmental e-mail account for Judy Patrick (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails received from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, from any non-governmental e-mail account for Judy Patrick (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any oftbe following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails sent from December 4, 2006, through September 17,2008, to any non-governmental e-mail account for Frank Bailey (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska email system) by any of the following employees of the State ofAlaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitoey, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails received from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, from any non-governmental e-mail account for Frank Bailey (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the Stale of Alaska email system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitoey, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Krei12er, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails sent from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, to any non-governmental e-mail account for Mike Tibbles (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Amlette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails received from December 4,2006, through September 17,2008, from any non-governmental e-mail account for Mike Tibbles (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Amlette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails sent from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, to any non-governmental e-mail account for Mike Nizich (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State ofAlaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any e-mails received from December 4, 2006, through September 17, 2008, from any non-governmental e-mail account for Mike Nizich (at the e-mail address or any other e-mail address outside of the State of Alaska e-mail system) by any of the following employees of the State of Alaska: Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey, John Bitney, Ivy Frye, Diane Kiesel, Annette Kreitzer, Janice Mason, Nikki Neal, Mike Nizich, Kris Perry, Randy Ruaro, Brad Thompson and Mike Tibbles.”

– “Any requests for public records received by Governor Palin, the Office of the Governor, the governor’s administrative director, or any member of the governor’s staff, whether by letter, fax, electronic mail or other means, from December 4, 2006, through September 23, 2008. If electronic mails were received, please provide any attachments to those e-mails, preferably in electronic form.”

– “Any letters or responses sent to those requests. I am not requesting copies of public records that were provided in response to such requests, but only to the letters sent responding to (fulfilling or denying) those requests. If electronic mails were sent, please provide any attachments to those e-mails, preferably in electronic form.”


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