A while back, I got myself into deep doodoo trying to send a love letter to Dan Savage. Came out all kinds of wrong. Dan forgave me so I won’t go there again; just believe me when I say that I love that little faggot. He’s my main gay and here’s why; he has a BS detector that could pinpoint nonsense in outer space and believes, as do I, that not only are there such things as stupid questions but that those who ask them should be summarily informed of same.
I never miss his column and often am plain old flabbergasted by his wit, wisdom, ill temper, arcane sexual knowledge and, most of all, his fearlessness. Homey can be mean though and, when I first began reading him, I thought he was one of those dinosaur fags who had to hate women to love men. But, read him regularly and you realize that he doesn’t hate women. He hates hypocrites, BS artists, double standards and cowards. Which brings me to his sneaky side. He’s just pulled one of the most dastardly tricks ever witnessed in the blogosphere.
I won’t give it away; I enjoyed it too much! You simply must read this week’s column.
As a militant feminist, I spend lots of time reading, and dismissing, ‘critiques’ of feminism and the crap that women pull. Gotta say, though, nothing brought home women’s BS better than what Dastadly Dan pulled off this week. Once again, my hat is off to you, Dan Savage. You de man.