Yesterday Salon picked up on a Wall Street Journal article titled: “Women’s March Into Office Slows,” which begins:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton could be elected president next year, and Rep. Nancy Pelosi would likely remain Speaker of the House assuming the Democrats retain control of Congress.
Yeah, that sounds like the women’s march is screeching to a halt. Or, it sounds like women could grab the White House and maintain control of the highest ranking seat in the House. But, I guess that’s neither here nor there.
What’s important, says the WSJ, is that three governships held by women “face stiff competition.” The article also uses the current Cook Political Report as evidence that the female gender’s political dominance is slowing down. The article notes that 14 out of the 75 “vulnerable” House seats are women. But, if you look at that in terms of percentages, there’s only about a six percent difference between the number of male and female vulnerable seats. And anyway, isn’t it a bit early to be talking 2008 congressional races?