Matthew Yglesias at The American Prospect has a funny analysis of the Cheney-Pelosi dust-up last week. (Recap: In an ABC interview Cheney said, “If we were to do what Speaker Pelosi and Congressman Murtha are suggesting, all we’ll do is validate the al-Qaeda strategy.” Pelosi accused him of questioning her patriotism and asked Bush to distance himself from the Veep’s remarks. Cheney claimed he had questioned her judgment, not her patriotism.)
Here’s Yglesias—the last bit is pretty smart:
The only element of Pelosi’s judgment I would question at all was her initial response to Cheney’s first attack…All Pelosi needed to do in response was note that if Dick Cheney thinks she and Murtha are badly wrong, they must be on the right track…She should have just smeared Cheney’s remarks all over the White House and driven home the point that, in opposing Democratic efforts to change the course in Iraq, Bush is once again taking Cheney’s advice — a strategic approach that works exactly never.
If you’re one of those for whom Cheney-bashing never gets old, check out the entire piece, entitled “Cheney Follies: Our vice president is both a national joke and a national nightmare.”