Bring Them Home Now
A campaign of military families, veterans, active duty personnel, reservists and others opposed to the war in Iraq.
Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change
A bipartisan coalition of 27 career chiefs of mission and retired four-star military leaders pushing for change in current U.S. foreign and defense policy.
The GI Rights Hotline
A network of nonprofit organizations providing information to servicemembers about military discharges, grievance and complaint procedures, and other civil rights.
Iraq Veterans Against the War
A group of veterans from Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom committed to an immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces.
Military Families Speak Out
An organization of people who are opposed to war in Iraq and who have relatives or loved ones in the military.
Not In Our Name: GI Special
The Not In Our Name project was initiated at a meeting in 2002 to search for ways to strengthen and expand resistance to the Bush administration’s course since 9/11.
Operation Truth
An organization that seeks to educate the American public about the truth of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from the perspective of the troops who have experienced them first-hand.
Veterans for Common Sense
Formed in 2002 by war veterans seeking to inject the element of Common Sense into debates over war and national security.
Veterans for Peace
An organization that includes men and women veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and other conflicts, as well as peactime veterans.
Veterans Against the Iraq War
a coalition of American veterans who support our troops but oppose war with Iraq or any other nation that does not pose a clear and present danger to our people and nation.
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
a national veterans’ organization that was founded in New York City in 1967 after six Vietnam vets marched together in a peace demonstration. It was organized to voice the growing opposition among returning servicemen and women to the still-raging war in Indochina.