Just to get this off my chest, I hope I don’t have to sit through too many rounds of griping from various slightly different factions of the progressive movement about how impeachment has been handled well or badly by Nancy Pelosi and, more generally, by Democrats in Congress. Whatever else you can say, none of this is their fault.
It’s the fault of a Republican Party that went over the edge of partisan rage and destruction long ago. They’re the ones who tried at every turn to prevent President Obama from rescuing the economy after he took office. They’re the ones who were willing to die on the hill of protecting tax cuts for the rich. They’re the ones who have relentlessly gerrymandered and suppressed the black vote because that’s good for Republicans. They’re the ones who spent years trying to tar Hillary Clinton over Benghazi. They’re the ones who stonewalled the nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. They’re the ones who got so caught up in their own loathing of Hillary Clinton that they turned away from the pussy tape and voted for Trump anyway. They’re the ones who spent their first year in office desperately trying to take away health care for the poor and working classes.
Democrats don’t always cover themselves in glory. But Trump is in office because the Republican Party put him there, and he’s gotten away with everything so far because the Republican Party has let him. No one should ever forget that.