Are Americans really tired of war? I’ve had my doubts about that in the past, and Doug Mataconis draws my attention today to a survey that redoubles those doubts:
Nearly half of likely voters think the United States should be willing to use military force to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, according to this week’s The Hill Poll. Forty-nine percent said military force should be used, while 31 percent said it should not and 20 percent were not sure.
So there you go. We’ve basically got a majority for military action against Iran already, and at this point the war drums have only barely begun to beat. Another few months of well-timed leaks and scary op-eds and we’ll have two-thirds in favor easy. Even after ten years of Iraq and Afghanistan — not to mention Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and the endless drone strikes in Pakistan — it’s still not very hard to get the American public lathered up into a good old-fashioned war frenzy.