Recognized worldwide for publishing groundbreaking work by some of the most talented photographers, Mother Jones is proud to include the likes of Nina Berman, Matt Eich, Eugene Richards, Ruddy Roye, Stacy Kranitz and Larry Sultan as past contributors. We remain committed to championing the best in photography and are always looking for exceptional photographers with a unique visual style.
It’s best to give us a URL for a portfolio website. For photoessays, describe the work that you’ve done or propose to do; and if possible, provide a link to view the project online. We will contact you if we are interested in seeing more work. Or you can mail non-returnable samples to:
Mark Murrmann
Photo Director
Mother Jones
P.O. Box 584
San Francisco, CA 94104-0584
Please do not submit original artwork or any samples that will need to be returned. Mother Jones cannot be responsible for the return or loss of unsolicited artwork.